Are the images really free?

Yes, the images are free to download but the use depends on the image licenses. Photographers can select the license on uploading the photo.

Is the membership free?

Yes, it is and will be.

Why do I need to Sign up?

Registered members can upload and download photographs, and post comments.

I can't log in/I forgot my password. What should I do?

Please use the 'Password Recovery' page to recover your password.

What are the formats of the files?

All photographs are in JPG, PNG, and GIF format.

Can I sell my photos on pixloger.com?

No, we do not sell photos here at pixloger.com, there are plenty of sites where you can sell your photographs. See the recommended photo bank list we recommend to generate good revenue from your amazing photographs.

Can I upload photos from other websites?

No, we do not suggest you do so. Unless the photo is your own creation (vector, pictures), please do not upload it here. Members that upload copyrighted materials will have their images deleted and their accounts removed. Better to see free image hosting sites for hosting screenshots and other images.

Someone has uploaded my photos without my permission, what do I do?

Please contact us with the image detail. We request proof of ownership in case of copyright infringements if the violation is not obvious.

You can report the image through the photo detail page. We will definitely take action regarding the photos. If you see the images even after the reporting, please contact (social/email) with detail of the photo and the reason.

Can I sell PixLoger's photo?

No. Please do not sell photos on other stock websites. Terms of uses